January 3, 2011

Sky Calendar -- January 2011

1Beginning of the second decade of the third millennium.
1Moon near Antares (30° from Sun, morning sky) at 20h UT.
2Moon near Mercury (21° from Sun, morning sky) at 16h UT.
3Earth at Perihelion (closest to Sun) at 19h UT. The Sun-Earth distance is 0.983341 a.u. or 147.1 million kilometers.
• Sun at Aphelion and Perihelion (Anthony Ayiomamitis)
4Quadrantid Meteor Shower peaks at 1h UT. Active between 1-10 January. Produces up to 120 meteors per hour. Radiant is in northern Bootes. Low moonlight makes for very favorable viewing conditions this year.
• The Quadrantids (Gary Kronk)
• The Quadrantids (IMO)
4New Moon at 9:03 UT. Start of lunation 1089.
• Lunation Number (Wikipedia)
4Partial Eclipse of the Sun at 8:51 UT. Visible from much of Europe, North Africa and central Asia. Eclipse begins at 06:40, ends at 11:01 UT. WARNING: NEVER LOOK AT THE SUN -- it will instantly damage your eyes! Instead, use a pinhole in a card to project the Sun's image onto a surface.
• Partial Solar Eclipse of 2011 January 04 (NASA)
• Observing Solar Eclipses Safely (Mr Eclipse)
8Venus at greatest elongation, 47° west from Sun (morning sky) at 16h UT. Mag. -4.4.
9Mercury at greatest elongation, 23° west of Sun (morning sky) at 14h UT. Mag -0.2.
10Moon at apogee (farthest from Earth) at 6h UT (distance 404,977 km; angular size 29.5').
10Moon near Jupiter at 11h UT. Mag. -2.3.
12First Quarter Moon at 11:32 UT.
15Moon near the Pleiades at 14h UT (evening sky).
16Moon near Aldebaran (evening sky) at 8h UT.
19Full Moon at 21:22 UT.
• Full Moon Names (Wikipedia)
20Moon near Beehive cluster M44 (midnight sky) at 9h UT.
21Moon near Regulus (morning sky) at 23h UT.
22Moon at perigee (closest to Earth) at 0h UT (362,792 km; 32.9').
25Moon near Saturn (morning sky) at 4h UT. Mag. +0.7.
25Moon near Spica (morning sky) at 18h UT.
26Last Quarter Moon at 12:58 UT.
29Moon near Antares (morning sky) at 0h UT.
30Moon near Venus at 3h UT (morning sky).
All times Universal Time (UT). USA Eastern Standard Time = UT - 5 hours, Indian Standard Time = UT + 5:30 hours.

For star chart - [Click here]

Credit: Skymaps.com

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