December 19, 2010

Sky this Month-December 2010

1Moon near Saturn (morning sky) at 13h UT. Mag. +0.9.
1Mercury at greatest elongation, 22° east from Sun (evening sky) at 16h UT. Mag. -0.4.
2Moon near Spica (morning sky) at 3h UT.
2Venus at its brightest at 11h UT (morning sky). Mag. -4.7.
2Moon near Venus at 18h UT (morning sky).
5New Moon at 17:36 UT. Start of lunation 1088.
• Lunation Number (Wikipedia)
7Moon near Mercury at 7h UT (19° from Sun). Mag. -0.1.
13Moon at apogee (farthest from Earth) at 9h UT (distance 404,406 km; angular size 29.3').
13First Quarter Moon at 13:59 UT.
13Moon near Jupiter at 21h UT. Mag. -2.5.
14Geminid Meteor Shower peaks at 11h UT. Produces bright, medium-speed meteors at its peak (up to 80 meteors/hour). Very favorable viewing conditions this year.
• Observing the Geminids (Gary Kronk)
• The Geminids (IMO)
19Moon near Aldebaran (evening sky) at 23h UT.
20Mercury at inferior conjunction with the Sun at 1h UT. Mercury passes into the morning sky.
21Full Moon at 8:13 UT.
• Full Moon Names (Wikipedia)
21Total Eclipse of the Moon begins at 7:41 UT and ends at 8:53 UT. Mid-eclipse at 8:17 UT. Partial phases begin at 6:33 UT and end at 10:01 UT. Moon will appear red-orange in color during totality (the Earth's shadow). Entire eclipse visible from North America, and eastern Pacific Ocean.
• Total Lunar Eclipse of 2010 Dec 21 (NASA)
• Lunar Eclipses for Beginners (NASA)
21December solstice at 23:43 UT. The time when the Sun reaches the point farthest south of the celestial equator marking the start of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere.
• December Solstice (Wikipedia)
24Moon near Beehive cluster M44 (morning sky) at 1h UT.
25Moon at perigee (closest to Earth) at 12h UT (368,465 km; 32.7').
25Moon near Regulus (morning sky) at 16h UT.
28Last Quarter Moon at 4:18 UT.
29Moon near Spica (morning sky) at 10h UT.
31Moon near Venus at 15h UT (morning sky).
All times Universal Time (UT). USA Eastern Standard Time = UT - 5 hours, Indian Standard Time=UT + 5:30 hours.

Credits: Skymaps
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